We have now flogged through Coventry in a heat wave. I suppose I wasn’t really surprised to hear warnings in the media by the authorities that it was unwise to go out in the sun! How nannyish is this and what a silly waste of money? What have we come to when the authorities lecture …
Tag: Christianity
Jul 16
Day 16 – Beyond Our Ken
So Ken Clarke’s ministerial career has ended. I knew Ken 35 years ago when I was a simple back bencher. Ken told me once that he loved Westminster so much he would have to be carried out in a coffin. I hope that does not happen soon. Ken was very kind to me on one …
Jul 12
Day 12 – Talking the Walk, with a Passion
We walked through the Derbyshire Peak DIstrict, which Jane and I hunted over in days gone by. We were regaled about Zimbabwe by one ancient farmer, who told us that charity starts at home and that Mugabe was “spot on” in his views on the homosexual community. Jane and I decided to cut our losses …
Jul 11
Day 11 – Last of the Summer Wine
Tyred and Emotional We walk at Olympian speed and soon we are staggering through a derelict bog set on the side of a cliff. I now know why we have’t seen another walker since the Lakes. They have more sense. When we arrive at our lunchtime rendezvous there is no sign of Richard. We wait …